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A very simple Systemd Timer

 ·  ☕ 3 min read

Ugly plans to control the time

Once upon time there were cronjobs, now there are systemd timers with a lot of new features.
I will not go deep on systemd, only few notes

To create a simple timer we need to create:

  • a script to run something
  • a service to start the script execution
  • a timer to schedule the service

Create a very very useless script

we will create a simple script that for out test purposes will only create a file.


DATE=$(date +%s)
touch /tmp/$DATE

Create a Systemd Unit Service

What is a Systemd unit?

The systemd unit basically is the smallest entity of Systemd, there are a lot of different unit types.
We are interested in only 2 types

A service ( suffix .service) unit contains information about process which are to be managed by systemd.
A Timer ( suffix .timer) unit and can control service execution (scheduling).

Each unit resites in a file in one of these locations:

system default unit files
user-defined unit files and modifications of installed software units
unit files for installed software

To view all unit files.

# all units
systemctl list-unit-files

# Only Service units
systemctl list-unit-files --type service

# Only Timer units
systemctl list-unit-files --type timer

A service unit has different sections, for our purpose we need only 2
[Unit] contains metadata, a [Service] contains actions to be executed and a [Install] section.

The [Install] section is used to define the commands to be executed unit is enable disable.

We will use only one field, which is

If systemctl enable testTimer.timer or testTimer.service is executed then the timer/service will be attached to

The target refers to a group of related processes, it is like the old init runlevel.
The a targes is reached all the units inside will be started.

When we run the systemctl enable/disabled command, a symbolic link is created/removed inside the directory. For this service we do not need [Install] section.

Create a file named testTimer.service in /etc/systemd/system

Description= A very simple Timer

ExecStart=/bin/bash /aboslute/path/to/
# ExecStartPre: commands to be executed before ExecStart
# ExecStart: commands to be executed where systemctl start is called
# ExecStartPost: commands to be executed after ExecStart
# ExecStop: commands to be run when systemctl stop is called
# ExecReload: commands to be run when systemctl reload is called
# ExecStopPost: commands to be executed after ExecStop automatically
# ....
# ....

Create a Systemd timer

Create a file named testTimer.timer in /etc/systemd/system

Description=Timer to be executed ever 2 minutes

# every 2 minutes


You can notice the presence of the same section name [Unit] with metadata, then now we have the [Timer] section

TimerDefinitionis Monmotonic?
OnActiveSecrelative to timer activationyes
OnBootSecrelative to OS bootyes
OnStartupSecrealtive to sysmted serviceyes
OnUnitActiveSecrelative to last activation of the timeryes
OnUnitInactiveSecrelative to last deactivation of the timeryes
OnCalendaron exact caledar date timeno

A monolitic timer is stopped when the system is suspended and it is not persistent between reboots.


sudo systemctl enable testTimer.timer
sudo systemctl start testTimer.timer
sudo systemctl status testTimer.timer